Dissolution Videos
Welcome to our media library of dissolution videos. Learn more about differently automated dissolution testing systems or simply watch dissolution videos highlighting key features & functionalities such as AutoComplianceTM, different sampling possibilities, video monitoring, or automated self-cleaning of dissolution vessels. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more dissolution videos.
Fully Automated Dissolution

ATF Xtend™ Offline
Dissolution video of fully automated testing system performing a series of unattended dissolution tests.

ATF Xtend™ Online
Video of fully automated dissolution tester with integrated online UV-Vis specrophotometer for real-time results.
ATF Xtend™ UV On-/Offline
Product video of world's most compact self-cleaning fully automated dissolution testing system with integrated analytics.

AT MD – Benchtop System
Video of the fully automated AT MD dissolution system for 100% unattended testing on your laboratory bench.
Semi-Automated Dissolution

ATS Xtend™ Offline
Video of benchtop dissolution tester for automated sampling, filtration, and collection in capped LC vials or glass tubes.
ATS Xtend™ UV Online
Combined online UV-Vis analysis and automated sample withdrawal in one dissolution system.

ATS Xtend™ UV On-/Offline
Video of dissolution system with integrated UV-Vis measuring for results in real-time and offline collection of samples.

ATS Xtend™ LC On-Offline
Video of dissolution testing system to automatically inject collected samples directly into any HPLC / UPLC system.
Manual Dissolution Tester

AT Xtend™ – Dissolution bath
Video showing how to efficiently take dissolution samples manually using staggered start and operator alerts with EasyTouch.
Options & Features

RS Robotic Station – Basket exchange
Easily add the modular RS to your fully automated dissolution tester ATF Xtend™ in order to automate USP type 1 basket methods.

RS Robotic Station – Sinker handling
Automate your sinker handling during USP 2 methods with the RS Robotic station adding to your ATF Xtend™ fully automated dissolution tester.

Xtend™ Dissolution – AutoCompliance™
Proven to have the lowest wobble rating in the industry, no adjustments are required with fixed shaft height and vessel centering.
Xtend™ Dissolution – Sampling possibilities
How would you like to take your dissolution samples? Mimic existing enviroments and choose from different sampling options.
Xtend™ Dissolution – Video Monitoring
Take dissolution videos with CenterView™ video monitoring and record the dissolution process in each vessel individually.

Xtend™ Dissolution – 100% Automation
Dissolution video showing a completely unattended dissolution test cycle from vessel filling to power washing.
Dissolution is beautiful.
In this video we took a closer look at what's happening to tablets & capsules when they dissolve during a dissolution test.